Rashmika Mandanna Engagement Gown. Rashmika will be wearing a peach gown for the ceremony and Rakshit has opted to wear an off-white tuxedo with a peach coloured tie and pocket. Her beautiful floor-touching gown featured sharp pleats while the thigh-high side slit added bold and dramatic quotient.
I don't like talking much about myself � I. Rashmika Mandanna and Rakshit Shetty in their happy times. Her gown had cinched waist, which added structure to her attire.
Before the release of Geetha Govindam, there were rumours that Rashmika Mandanna and Rakshit Shetty were heading for a break-up.
Rashmika Mandanna is one of the fittest actresses in the South Indian Film industry who makes every possible effort to stay in shape.
Since Virajpet is Rashmika's hometown, the engagement will take place in Kodava style. Rakshith Shetty And Rashmika Mandanna Engagement Specila Moment Photos. Rashmika will be wearing a peach gown for the ceremony and Rakshit has opted to wear an off-white tuxedo with a peach coloured tie and pocket.