Agreed Upon Procedures Engagement Letter Sample 2018. Our engagement will be conducted in accordance with the Philippine Standard on Auditing applicable to agreed-upon procedures engagements and we will Our engagement cannot be relied upon to disclose whether fraud or errors or illegal acts exist. Our procedures will include tests of documentary evidence supporting the transactions recorded in the accounts, tests of the physical.
On accepting an appointment, the practitioner must send the client a letter of engagement. During an agreed-upon procedures engagement a qualified accountant will discuss with you and The ethical principles that apply to agreed-upon procedures engagements are the professional Tests of controls. The liability cap should be discussed and agreed with the client at the start of the assignment.
I also agree to use the confidential information solely for the purpose for which the information was provided and to take proper and reasonable measures to ensure the confidentiality of the confidential information.
On accepting an appointment, the practitioner must send the client a letter of engagement.
As acknowledged in the consulting standard, however, "the nature and scope of [consulting] work are determined solely by. All of our services in this matter will end, unless otherwise agreed upon in a writing signed by us, when there is a final agreement, settlement, decision or judgment by the court. Our procedures will include tests of documentary evidence supporting the transactions recorded in the accounts, tests of the physical.